OOTD Nerd Tee and midi skirt

OK, so when it comes to post names I am no where near the most creative! Not at all. SO yeah, it almost has “I don’t know” as the title. Today is a rainy and gloomy day. A great day to sit and veg out(if you are lucky) on movies and Netflix. Movies like the Hobbit or LOTR. Or heck the Great Brittish Bake off! I am addicted to that show!

Today I pulled out the Hobbit book tee that I bought from Skreened and wore it with a lace midi skirt. You all know how I like to pair the nerd tees with more delicate skirts etc. Today I wanted a no fuss outfit. And I think I pulled it off, it looks polished and a bit out of whack. You either like it or you hate it. Right? Today’s outfit definitely had me wondering if I liked it or not. And yeah, I like it. I love my shoes, my shirt, the skirt, the watch, the necklace. My hair is insane. Normal day right?

skreened nerd tee express midiI also wore my Justfab Vivienne heels. I love these shoes so much! I like the way they change color as you walk. Styling a nerd tee doesn’t have to be hard. Don’t over think it and just go for it. Want to pair it with sequins like I did here in this post, DO IT! Want to wear jeans, ALRIGHT! Wear with a great pencil skirt or midi skirt? That sounds fantastic! The way you can wear these underutilized bits of shirtly heaven is limitless.


gofashiondealsglamfashionbloggerYou do you!

fbloggeroutfitbloggeroutfitI would like to point out really quick that I sometimes reflect light apparently. Which is pretty funny.




JUSTFABJORD wood watch


Steal my style!


Skirt: EXPRESS old new style here

Shoes: JUSTFAB Vivienne

Watch: c/o JORD

Hair: weird genetics…. 😉

Also link up day!

I do deClaire
Garay Treasures

Walking in memphisinhighheels


The last of the gardens

Hi there guys! I am currently still dealing with some awesome sunburn fun! So I figured I would share one of my fave posts. I can not tell you how much I want to go back to the Lue Gardens in Orlando. If you ever get to you should check it out! I am currently working on an outfit post for today. No makeup, cant really wear any with a red face huh?
Hey there gang! Today I am sharing the rest of our adventures to Lue Gardens. This is the rest of our day from florals to goofing off. It is all here today!! YAY! And while some of you have snow, we have palm trees, sand, and tropical flora. And I really want snow. #justsayin #whitechristmas

Rose Garden Lue Gardens

The last outfit I am focusing on is the same, just without the jacket. I am wearing once again my Mirkwood Guard shirt that I bought from Skreened.

Mirkwood guard

I saw this bench near a tree, a BIG tree. And thought it was ideal. So, we took some pictures here. Isn’t it ideal?


It was a great day, some great outfits even though technically I never changed. Just my sweater, and jacket. It was a great couple of outfits to show off.



I really love this shirt, can you tell? It is super comfy and looks great with jeans, leather pants, etc. However, I should have gotten an XS so I could wear it easier with a midi skirt. I tried this shirt with a high waist pencil midi and it looked amazing! So there is an outfit for the future! I love graphic tees. I really never stopped loving them.















It was such a great day at Lue Gardens in Orlando, and if you ever get the chance to go you really should!

Chocolate and seat salt pop by peakseason pop

It wouldn’t have been a completed day without a Peakseason pop! This was Chocolate seasalt! Yummy!







Lots of stroller view pictures. But that is OK. We had so much fun at Lue Gardens! Their last free day until June is the first Monday in January. Which we WILL definitely take advantage of. And I hope that my little one will want to get down and run!

Cant wait!!!

Want to see my other Lue Garden adventures? Check them out here, here, and here.

Have an awesome day!!!


Participating int this awesome link up by IDodeclaire! Check out her blog!

Techday Thursday

Hi friends! You all know how much I love nerdy things. I out of extreme boredom while out with the plague found a fun free app called Sketch. You basically draw on your phone and can draw or color some great pictures. It is a lot like Microsoft Paint only for the phone and tablet!

sketch post

You get some great options from Pencil to marker and even stencils. There are different options for color and it is a way to unleash creativity. Which I LOVE!


You can even check out other people’s Art! It is such a fun app, and you can share your pictures with social media like Tumblr and Instagram.

fingonI drew this with my fingers only, fingers with acrylic nails. Hahha, this picture is a Silmarillion reference. Sorry…I had a moment. This app is available on Andriod .

October Faves!

My Oct

Ever have one of those Mondays where everything that could go weird or wrong does? That is my day today! After hunting for my keys for what seemed like all day. Or most of the day, I haven’t really had time to really get an outfit post together. I took some pictures of a cute outfit and I am not sure how I feel about it. I just wasn’t feeling it today maybe or I was still thinking about my keys. I was still thinking about my keys.

But, I do want to post some great October faves of mine.
//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js1. Halloween! Although I didn’t get the pictures I wanted I still had fun as Elsa. And Have already planned next year. I am going as an elf and my little one will be Smaug the adorable. 🙂 a little red dragon. wpid-2015-10-24_20.27.34.jpg Wish I got better pictures. 2. Mirina Collections Vivian Mirina collections This necklace is simply gorgeous and well made. You can read more about Vivian by clicking the link above. You can get 20% at Mirina Collections by using code: GOFASHION 3.  These ALDO boots! ALDO boots, express shirt and skirt, happiness boutique necklace Love at first site!! And you can read more about the ALDO boots here 4. These E.L.F beauty items!! wpid-2015-10-23_10.55.06.jpg   5. And this  bee shirt from Kye. wpid-2015-10-18_15.23.57.jpg This shirt is amazing! And I love it. Such a comfortable piece of clothing and from #ifchic24 ! the bees are just cute! Oh and there are still a few days left in the give away be sure to enter!!!!!! a Rafflecopter giveaway//widget-prime.rafflecopter.com/launch.js

The I don’t know what to call this post, post.

Today is one of those lounge around in sweat pants, silly socks, and no make up kind of days. It has been raining most of the week. And today the sun is out but I am feeling lazy and trying to get this cold out of my system.  Yay! It needs to go especially since I got a lot to do this weekend! I hope I can get an outfit posted tomorrow! I got a lot of good things planned coming up.  So, since I have no outfit pictures fort day here is a way I would wear a nerd shirt. Isn’t it adorkable?

I own the boots by ALDO already. Hahah. We all know how much I love Tolkien and nerdy shirts. This is a great shirt to wear with either skirt. The black skirt is available on shopbop C/meo collective and the other is available from shein.  Of course who wouldn’t want the Phillip Lim bag? This is just one little bit of wishing and wanting.  The skirt by C/MEO collective is so unique. I fell in love with their things thanks to Ifchic. Have you been collecting coins? Yes? Good! The shirt is from Skreened.com maybe the creator can make one in black with white letters….hmm.

What I would love is if the shirt was in black with white lettering and I would wear it with a full midi in solid white. Black boots or some sort of lace up bootie. Pair it with a bag like the one in the picture as well as cat eye sunnies for that ol school Hollywood glam. What do you think? Or perhaps in white and with a black leather skirt? Or something like this here

Do you wear nerd shirts? How would you wear it?
I need new leather pants. Just sayin….hahaha

Why are titles so hard to think up some days?!


Funny fab Friday.

Hi there friends! ! Happy Friday!  Sorry the blog has been sparse,I have been on a clean up the house mode. Or whatever you want to call it. And then yesterday I got an email from Pinterest about my most popular pin. Ready?


Yes.This pin on my board has been repinned 1126 times. Yeah. This pin of Thranduil from the movie The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies has been my number one pin for weeks. Why?
Well this pin, which I pinned from someone else,who got it from tumblr, I put something funny on the caption. “Thranduil. Can not wait for the movie!! And a big thing of popcorn all Paula Deaned up with butter.”
The  comment section erupted with some hilarious insight about “Paula Deaning ” him with butter.
To which when I read that I laughed so hard I choked on air. Yes that is a thing.



My Kingdom of Geek is on of my most popular  boards. The fandoms are strong. So be sure to check it out and geek out with me!

Which speaking of geeking out, um did you know they made a pair of “nerd pants” of Benedict Cumberbatch? Yes, this is a thing. Which leaves me wondering why?

Do we really need pants with his face on them? I am all about nerding it up but, there can be a limit. (Says the girl who has a Loki shirt, the ONE RING pants, and a desire to own every sword from the LOTR movies.) Poor guy.

But these Cumberbitch leggings which are being sold for $80 on Poprageous might be a bit too much.  And I couldn’t stop laughing about this when I read the headline yesterday. I just had to share this.


You can get the matching shirt too.  How do you feel about these? Excuse me while I fall over laughing.